How can brands use AI-powered marketing to target the Gen Z consumer?
Is AI just a marketing hype or will it play a key role in shaping future products and experiences?
My first article with Ad Age has gone live!
Want to learn more about the Gen Z consumer and what they’re looking for from their favourite brands?
Find an excerpt from my article below:
“Last week I tried Coca-Cola’s newest drink: Coca-Cola Y3000—which was developed by combining global consumer insights and AI. Sipping the cotton candy-infused soda, I couldn't help but wonder: Is AI just a marketing hype or will it play a key role in shaping future products and experiences?
Retail is undergoing rapid transformation as it adapts to Gen Z, a demographic with $360 billion in global spending power. From how they socialize to how they shop and work, Gen Zers are distinct from previous generations.
Here is how AI-driven marketing efforts help brands establish enduring cultural relevance and loyalty, particularly in challenging economic times”
In this article, I’ve outlined three ways that brands can use AI to target Gen Z consumers and:
Personalise customer interactions at scale
Deliver engaging and participatory customer experiences
Offer more inclusive representation in product advertising and brand story-telling
How can you get started leveraging generative AI in your marketing efforts?
Read the article to find out! You can access the full article here by signing up for a free account. Let me know your thoughts or if you have any questions!
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